Mpact Girl’s Ministries
Mpact Girls Clubs is a program for winning girls to Jesus Christ through love and acceptance. Mpact Girls Clubs provides an environment of support and accountability while helping girls to develop their gifts and abilities. In addition, girls build lifelong relationships with mentors who encourage girls to be spiritual leaders. In short it is a girl’s ministry where girls can make friends, learn about Jesus, and be a part of a club.
Rainbows Club: For preschool boys and girls ages 3 & up
Daisies Club: For Kindergarten Girls
Prims Club: For first & second grade girls
Stars Club: for 3rd to 5th grade girls
Friends and Girls Only are Bible- and discussion-based curriculum for girls in middle school and high school that serves as a guide for the Titus 2 principle of godly women mentoring girls.
Meets weekly at 7 PM on Wednesday nights.
Leader:  Elaine Byrd